
Photo of Stacey Younge

Robin D. Andrews, DSW, MSW

Robin D. Andrews, DSW, MSW is a Senior Education Manager at Weill Cornell Medical College, New York. She received her MSW from Fordham University and her DSW from Capella University. She enjoys helping others, especially aiding vulnerable populations. She has over 20 years of clinical experience. Her various educational and training experiences have helped facilitate opportunities to view people and the human condition through refined lenses. Having practiced meditation for many years and cultivated an interest in mindfulness training, she embarked on a journey to take the Nalanda Institute’s Compassion-Based Resilience Training (CBRT) Teacher Training program. She enjoys traveling and cooking, especially baking. She is passionate about teaching others the practical application of study topics, as she believes “that it is only information unless it can be applied to everyday living”.