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Course Type

Certificate program for organizations or teams

Course Length



Trauma-Informed Organizational Practice Certificate Program

For Teams



This skills-based certificate program equips leaders and supervisors to create work environments that protect staff from the impacts of primary and secondary traumas and help them deliver compassionate, healing-centered care.

Trauma-informed care requires more than training direct care staff. Consistent and thoughtful action from leaders and supervisors can turn trauma-informed principles into practice. Yet, few models focus on the supervisory practices, organizational policies, and leadership skills needed to create trauma-informed programs.

The Trauma-Informed Organizational Practice Program (pilot) has been co-designed with input from a cross-section of staff from more than 25 community-based organizations (CBOs) and city agencies across NYC. This program centers care for staff as the foundation of trauma-informed care and addresses the high levels of stress, trauma, and loss experienced by social service providers and the communities they serve.

Through interactive trainings, coaching sessions, and implementation support, participants will gain tools and skills to operationalize a commitment to reducing the impacts of trauma on your organization’s staff and people who engage in services.

This unique program includes two tracks: Trauma-Informed Supervision and Trauma-Informed Leadership. Organizations selected for this program will participate in both tracks.

Full program description for the 2023 Trauma-Informed Organizational Practice Certificate Program (pilot).


Both supervisors and leaders will engage with research, tools, and skills related to the following core topics and competencies:

  • Deepen critical awareness of research related to trauma and healing, as well as relevant critiques. The Academy’s understanding of trauma includes, but is not limited to, collective trauma; historic and intergenerational trauma; race-based trauma; and vicarious or secondary trauma.
  • Learn evidence-based skills to identify and manage strong emotions and trauma responses, for yourselves and others.
  • Identify a starting point and feasible next steps to create a community of care in your organization.
  • Use helpful research and tools to consider what makes a trauma-informed organization, assess your current state, and take action toward improvement.
  • Apply posttraumatic growth and healing-centered engagement frameworks to help your organization or team promote healing and recovery after harm.
  • Strengthen personal supervision or leadership skills.
  • Establish consistent, trauma-informed supervision and leadership practices.


Teams from the following organizations were competitively selected for the Academy's 2023 Trauma-Informed Organizational Practice certificate program:

  • The Door
  • New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA)