Course Type


All Scheduled Dates

None scheduled at this time.


Course Length

1.5 hours


You can email
[email protected]


Learners who complete this 1.5-hour course will receive a certificate of completion from the Academy.


Organizational Responses to Loss: Best Practices for Responding to System-Wide Grief



The loss of a colleague or client can often reverberate through an entire organization. Often, organizations are uncertain how to best support their employees and the clients they serve when a death has a system-wide impact. In this course, we will review research-backed best practices for responding to organizational losses.


Participants will:

  • Gain knowledge of best practices for supporting grieving employees.
  • Gain knowledge of best practices in addressing the aftermath of losses of employees or members community served by the organization.
  • Learn about the importance of transparency, creating psychological safety, communication, and flexibility in responding to losses within organizations.


This course will involve lecture, audio-visual material, discussion of real-life case examples, and group discussion. We will ask participants to turn their cameras on during group activities and discussions, and welcome participants to stay on-camera throughout the course.


This course is open to staff of any non-profit organization or government agency that delivers social services in NYC. This course may be of particular interest to managers, leadership, and individuals who work in employee support roles.